First, I need to define downtime as an author. I’ve been very fortunate to be able to schedule my book deadlines—lately—for either the very start of summer or late enough in the fall that I don’t have to stress a deadline during the summer. As hot and humid as central Indiana can get, I love to be outside. Though most of my time outdoors takes place between 6-9AM or 8-10PM. If the wind is blowing, we sit in the shadow of the forest behind our house and take advantage of a twenty-degree drop in the real-feel temperature.
Most of my outdoor time is occupied with our garden, which I think now qualifies as my official hobby. I’ve expanded it from the usual garden suspects (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, pole beans and zucchini) to include arugula, bok choy, lemongrass, potatoes, curry plants, Thai basil, eggplant and several herbs.
I spend at least an hour every day out there, mostly in the morning after I head out for a 30-40 minute jog and then walk our little friend, Toni.
Here’s a glimpse of our garden, which has grown faster than last year. I referenced traitorous cucumbers in my last post. You’ll see them in the A-Frame that looks “sad.” They’ve given us a few, but nothing like before. I just planted more. If they survive, we’ll have cucumbers later in the season than usual, which is fine with me.

This is the traitor, in case you couldn’t tell.
Garden woes and successes aside, THANK YOU all again for the incredible launch and success of A CLEAN KILL! It’s allowed me to focus on the garden and family—which is priceless to me. I hope you’re all having a wonderful summer. Or winter if you’re in Australia…I haven’t forgotten about you!
All the best and HAPPY READING!
I miss gardening. Started with the usual tomatoes, green peppers and marigolds (to keep the bugs away from the tomatoes). It was 63 years ago and I was 7. My Dad helped a lot that year. Until 5 years ago I always had veggies and/or flowers. Our current property manager decided "no more planting! Of ANYTHING!" So now look at everyone else's gardens on Facebook :(
I always love to see a bit of the lives of the authors and artists I follow. Nice garden! Here in central Wisconsin, we are having the same summer weather as you. We have raised beds and the Tomato plants are loving the hot sunny days followed by rainy ones. Me, not quite as much. Early morning is cool enough but very humid. I take my e-bike for rides as much as possible. Evenings, we take our lives in our hands because of mosquito swarms. Either get bit up and sucked dry, or poisoned by bug spray. - Rob