First of all. We survived another year! Hopefully, when you look back and take it all in, 2024 was a good year/net positive for everyone. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back, you earned it.
With 2025 coming in hot, I wanted to pass along some news to ease the transition and give you a few things to look forward to. I can only do so much!
1.) Bad news first. Sorry. Effective immediately, I have stopped the paid subscription options to this newsletter. For those that have already paid, you’ll receive a prorated refund no later than the first week of January. Due to additional project commitments, I can’t see finding the time to provide the kind of value worthy of your hard earned money. I’ve barely kept up over the past year or so, as you’ve probably noticed. If you’re interested in reading an electronic Advanced Reader Copy of any of my upcoming books, send me an email at and I’ll start a new list of ARC readers. For my longstanding readers and subscribers, I’ll do my best to get you the upcoming book in the same format as before, as well as future books.
2.) Good news. I wrote a purely sci-fi short story last summer, which will be included in a TALES FROM THE STARSHIP ATLANTIS, a Discover Sci-Fi (DSF) anthology to be released on January 21st. My story involves deep thoughts about humankind and some gritty, no-holds barred zero-gravity combat. I may have had too much fun writing this story. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT! And FYI, the stories are not confined to the Starship ATLANTIS. Mine certainly isn’t!
3.) Good news. I hit over 200K reviews on Amazon a month or so ago.
The top reviewed Amazon Publishing (Thomas and Mercer) title? THE RESCUE (Ryan Decker Book 1) with 38,877 reviews.
Second place for Amazon Publishing (Thomas and Mercer)? DEEP SLEEP (Devin Gray Book 1) at 22,106 reviews.
The top reviews self published title? ALPHA (A Black Flagged Thriller Book 1) at 9,267 reviews.
Self published second place is THE JAKARTA PANDEMIC with 6,683 reviews.
4.) Good news. A HIRED KILL (Garrett Mann Book 2) will hit e-readers, audio apps and the book shelves on MAY 27th, 2025. A long wait, but I promise you won’t be disappointed. You might be shocked where I take this one, but definitely not disappointed. It took some convincing to push this one through. All I’ll say for now is that it’s not for the faint of heart. CLICK HERE TO PREORDER!
THAT’S ALL FOR 2024! Wish I had some snow pictures to share, but my backyard is a mud pit at this point. I put down some plyboard around the garden so our dog doesn’t come inside with muddy feet from his hourly patrol. The garden area looks more like a water logged Vietnam firebase than anything else right now.
Take good care…see you in 2025!
I love reading your work! Thanks for the thrills!
And never forget the water book part 3!!!!!
Happy New Year Steven