And never forget the water book part 3!!!!!

Happy New Year Steven

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I love reading your work! Thanks for the thrills!

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Thank you, Sam! It's getting harder and harder to top or even stay even with what I've written before. Glad to hear that I'm still keeping you in the game.

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Thanks for all the fantastic books. It was worth reading Decker 1-3 just to get at 4.

Devin Gray perhaps my favorite. But only because I knew the Black Flagged characters.

The 3 way shoot out in a bullet proof chamber scene in the Zulu book a favorite scene..... Thank you.

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Stephen. I can't resist dragging some of the Black Flagged characters into each of my series. I did it again with my latest. They appear in Book 2, which hasn't been released. I think you'll enjoy that series. AND YES! The three way shootout! I forgot about that. Just re-read it. Not sure where I got that idea. Thank you for bringing that back. I think the bar shootout scene in Inglorious Basterds may have been an inspiration. Happy New Year to you and yours.

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It has been a true pleasure to follow you all these years! Love the new twists and turns you are taking and as always, I enjoy every character, family and storyline you introduce. Keep up the great work!!!

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Thank you, Sharmon. That means a lot coming from one of my longest standing readers. Happy New Year!

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